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Water Can Seep Through Exposed Joints. Sealant Can Fix That.

Learn how to protect your New Orleans, LA area property from water damage

Leaky windows and doors can contribute to serious structural damage, but waterproofing these features can protect your property from the elements. The team at Paramount Waterproofing Solutions in New Orleans, LA can apply joint sealant to gaps between masonry materials, which will put a stop to those leaks and reduce the risk of water damage as a result.

Call 504-723-4112 now to arrange for exterior door and window sealing services.

Sealing windows and doors isn’t a do-it-yourself project. You’ll want to hire Paramount Waterproofing Solutions because:

  1. We’re licensed, bonded and insured.
  2. We specialize in historic building restoration.
  3. We use high-quality joint sealants to keep water out.

You should get your building inspected once a year or after a severe storm to catch leaks before they get worse. Contact us today to hire waterproofing experts in New Orleans, LA.

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